Black Truffle Ragu Recipe with Truff’s Black Truffle Pomodoro Sauce

Truff’s Black Truffle Pomodoro Sauce does all of the heavy lifting for this recipe’s flavorful ragu sauce. Truff Pasta Sauce’s website states that this sauce is ‘the perfect blend of ripe tomatoes, delicate herbs, black winter truffle, and red chili peppers’ – and we are here for it!


If you are searching for delicious comfort food that’s easy and quick to prepare, then these Truff Pasta Sauces are the way to go. With just a few ingredients and relatively short cooking time, a mouth-watering umami sauce will be ready faster than you can say “I made this sauce from scratch!” – and people would believe you too! 😉

Their Black Truffle Pomodoro Sauce pairs so well with ground meat, making it a perfect cascade of flavors for a ragu. Unleash your imagination and use this sauce to prepare tasty recipes like baked pastas or lasagnas.


If you like this post, we think you’ll like our Black Truffle Ravioli Recipe post.

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